“Mr. Chairman, I’d like to allot $500 out of my Recreation account to the ‘Snowbirds over Anderson’ event.” “Second.” “We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor raise your right hands. Let the minutes show the motion passes unanimously.” This is a scene we see enacted regularly… Continue reading The Problem with Economic Development
Tag: government brilliance
The Reward of Compromise
When President Bush and the Washington establishment were pushing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the four Republican Congressmen from South Carolina reportedly “held hands and jumped” and voted for the bill. Their reasoning? “They can’t vote us all out.” The midterm elections are now over, so let’s look at what happened to each of these… Continue reading The Reward of Compromise
A few questions, please, Mr. Cameron…
In England, the recent general election has resulted in a party coalition between the Tories and the Lib Dems. In my opinion, point #10 of their coalition programme is pure genius. 10. The parties agree to implement… a new mechanism to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary new criminal offenses. Okay….I have a few questions about… Continue reading A few questions, please, Mr. Cameron…
The Real Healthcare Problem
The continuing thread throughout the Democrats’ healthcare speeches on the House floor is that the insurance companies are the bad guys, and they need to be cut down a notch or two. Here’s what the Democrats are missing: the free market system is successful only when it’s allowed to function in its entirety, free from… Continue reading The Real Healthcare Problem