The Problem with Economic Development

“Mr. Chairman, I’d like to allot $500 out of my Recreation account to the ‘Snowbirds over Anderson’ event.” “Second.” “We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor raise your right hands. Let the minutes show the motion passes unanimously.” This is a scene we see enacted regularly… Continue reading The Problem with Economic Development

Thou shalt not kill….the animals?

At our County Council meeting last night we heard an empathetic, passionate appeal to the audience’s emotions as the members of the local Humane Society pled to have a Standard Operating Procedure adopted at the local animal shelter – because “too many animals are being killed.” Words like “killed”, “euthanized”, “uncivilized”, “inhumane”, and even “holocaust”… Continue reading Thou shalt not kill….the animals?

From the Speaker of the House

I received this email a couple of weeks ago from Bobby Harrell, Speaker of the House of Representatives of South Carolina. “Dear Friends, Times are tough. But from the beginning of this legislative session, the South Carolina House Republican Caucus has been committed to growing South Carolina’s economy, creating jobs and making government more efficient.… Continue reading From the Speaker of the House

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