Why I don’t support a Convention of States

There’s a lot of buzz about how a Convention of States (CoS) to amend the Constitution is the perfect solution for an out-of-control Federal government. The ugly truth, however, is that a Convention of States wouldn’t fix anything and would in all likelihood make things much worse. Here’s why.   1. The current Constitution isn’t… Continue reading Why I don’t support a Convention of States

Two mistakes that could re-elect Lindsey Graham

The day after Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster,  the super-popular hashtag #StandWithRand was joined by another: #PrimaryGraham. That hashtag sums up the rage that’s been building for a long time against Sen. Lindsey Graham. There’s a good chance of getting him out this time if conservatives don’t blow it with the following 2 mistakes. Mistake #1: Running… Continue reading Two mistakes that could re-elect Lindsey Graham

Statesmen Don’t Lay Low

Well, it looks like we’ve got another Vice-presidential hopeful – or could that possibly be someone just doing his duty? “To speak up or not to speak up?” Newly-elected Florida Senator Marco Rubio, according to headlines, is “stepping into the spotlight on debt fight.” Rubio was advised to lay low for a while, not to… Continue reading Statesmen Don’t Lay Low

The Reward of Compromise

When President Bush and the Washington establishment were pushing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the four Republican Congressmen from South Carolina reportedly “held hands and jumped” and voted for the bill. Their reasoning? “They can’t vote us all out.” The midterm elections are now over, so let’s look at what happened to each of these… Continue reading The Reward of Compromise

DeMint: from Backbench to Conservative Kingmaker

When Jim DeMint stated some time back that he would rather have a small core group of true conservatives that a majority of RINOs, he drew sharp criticism from the GOP establishment and raised concern  in the minds of others, many of whom considered him on an impossible Don Quixote-esque mission against impossible odds. However, Jim… Continue reading DeMint: from Backbench to Conservative Kingmaker