7 reasons not to support Newt Gingrich

One of the most important things to discern about a candidates is their worldview. Their worldview determines not only how they vote/act/govern, but why. Here are seven indicators of Newt Gingrich’s real worldview that are being largely overlooked. Reason #1: Compromise So many people seem to think that Gingrich has what it takes to lead this country… Continue reading 7 reasons not to support Newt Gingrich

An endorsement: a favor to exchange or a good name to guard?

Former Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer endorsed Mike Huckabee in 2008. Mike Huckabee then endorsed Bauer in his next election. Sen. Lindsey Graham vocally supported Sarah Palin as she ran for VP; she then donated to his campaign fund. Mitt Romney endorsed Gov. Nikki Haley in her campaign; now she has just endorsed him for president.… Continue reading An endorsement: a favor to exchange or a good name to guard?

Working Families + Tom Dobbins = ACORN Victory

Voters in SC’s House District 8 will notice  something strange on their ballot this year: Democratic nominee Tom Dobbins is listed twice, once as the Democratic nominee, and once as the nominee of the Working Families Party. This may be the first time you’ve heard of this party, but it won’t be the last. The… Continue reading Working Families + Tom Dobbins = ACORN Victory

DeMint: from Backbench to Conservative Kingmaker

When Jim DeMint stated some time back that he would rather have a small core group of true conservatives that a majority of RINOs, he drew sharp criticism from the GOP establishment and raised concern  in the minds of others, many of whom considered him on an impossible Don Quixote-esque mission against impossible odds. However, Jim… Continue reading DeMint: from Backbench to Conservative Kingmaker

Career Politician or Conservative Patriot?

Since the Duncan campaign made the Republican Primary Runoff, a lot of mischaracterizations, innuendos, and outright lies have been spread about Jeff Duncan. I confess to some surprise about this, since it’s the last thing I expected from the supporters of Richard Cash. Duncan has been called a lawyer and a career politician, and detractors… Continue reading Career Politician or Conservative Patriot?

Marketing vs. Manipulating

What should you base decisions on? Your objective research, or your emotions? And as a marketer, which behavior should you seek to foster? One of the biggest problems with society today is the tendency to base decisions – important decisions – on emotion. As Rick Green says, “People vote for people they like, and they… Continue reading Marketing vs. Manipulating

Random thoughts on a political debate

The Texas Republican gubernatorial debate just finished, and I was able to catch the end at http://www.txdebates.org. If you missed it, you can watch the entire video there. I also followed the Twitter conversation (via #txgovdebate), and found it interesting and amusing. One thing worth noting is how much attention the candidates’ styles received. Scripted,… Continue reading Random thoughts on a political debate