Let me say in starting that this is the most ridiculous, disasterous, ill-advised and mishandled primary I’ve ever seen. In response to the criminal mismanagement in Washington we’ve seen a huge wave of popular indignation directed toward government in general, and YET we’re on the brink of nominating more of the same people who caused… Continue reading Who I voted for in the SC primary (and why I’m mad as all get-out about it)
Tag: voting
Working Families + Tom Dobbins = ACORN Victory
Voters in SC’s House District 8 will notice  something strange on their ballot this year: Democratic nominee Tom Dobbins is listed twice, once as the Democratic nominee, and once as the nominee of the Working Families Party. This may be the first time you’ve heard of this party, but it won’t be the last. The… Continue reading Working Families + Tom Dobbins = ACORN Victory
Conservative Infatuation: a disturbing tendency
Conservatives are like high school girls: they fall in love at the drop of a hat. There is a disturbing tendency among conservatives to make heroes too easily. Example #1: Joe Wilson Consider the case of Joe Wilson. Caught up in a self-described “town hall moment”, he shouted “You lie!” at the President when Obama was,… Continue reading Conservative Infatuation: a disturbing tendency
Your vote: a sacred trust
“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is… Continue reading Your vote: a sacred trust
Let’s send “Mr. Smith” to Washington
“Remember the first day you got here? Remember what you said about Mr. Lincoln? You said he was sitting up there waiting for someone to come along? You were right! He was waiting for a man who could see his job and sail into it, that’s what he was waiting for. A man who could… Continue reading Let’s send “Mr. Smith” to Washington