The Church: A Regiment Gone AWOL

The unsung heroes of the American revolution were the colonial pastors. Without them, it’s safe to say that we would never have won our independence. According to The American Quarterly Register (1833), “As a body of men, the clergy were pre-eminent in their attachment to liberty. The pulpits of the land rang with the notes… Continue reading The Church: A Regiment Gone AWOL

5 Reasons Americans Should Celebrate the Royal Wedding

1. The Prince is marrying a commoner. No more of this “does-she-have-the-pedigree” nonsense from the Royals, present as recently as the marriage of William’s father, Prince Charles. No, this royal bride has been selected because of her own merit, making her the first commoner to enter the Royal Family since 1660. And that is something… Continue reading 5 Reasons Americans Should Celebrate the Royal Wedding

Statesmen Don’t Lay Low

Well, it looks like we’ve got another Vice-presidential hopeful – or could that possibly be someone just doing his duty? “To speak up or not to speak up?” Newly-elected Florida Senator Marco Rubio, according to headlines, is “stepping into the spotlight on debt fight.” Rubio was advised to lay low for a while, not to… Continue reading Statesmen Don’t Lay Low

Is your life more valuable than liberty?

236 years ago today, Patrick Henry delivered his famous “Liberty or Death” speech at the second Virginia Convention. The interesting thing about this speech – his most famous one – is that it was totally unplanned. He had no notes, no rehearsed phrases or planned anecdotes. Nothing but a heart and mind on fire for… Continue reading Is your life more valuable than liberty?

Why Government Shouldn’t Pay for Education

I’m going to take a radical position on the subject of education: government, ideally, should have no role in it. At all. Zero. Zilch. Before anyone starts labeling me as a libertarian, let me explain. Education: essential to liberty I’m going to skip the whole role-of-government argument (this time). The fact is that everyone knows education is important.… Continue reading Why Government Shouldn’t Pay for Education

Thoughts on the Arizona Shooting

The Arizona shooting has sparked a firestorm of blame, finger-pointing, and vitriol courtesy of the left (I would add ‘and the media’, but it’s all the same thing). I’d like to make several observations: 1. All of Congresswoman Giffords’ political enemies have ditched their differences for the time being and are extending condolences, well wishes,… Continue reading Thoughts on the Arizona Shooting

True Peace….on Earth (Part One)

One of the most annoying aspects of liberal culture to me is the ever present “peace sign”, world peace bumper stickers, and the “why can’t we just all get along” attitude that pervades society. The reason this is so annoying is because you can’t even have peace in a small group, let alone the world,… Continue reading True Peace….on Earth (Part One)

The Problem with Economic Development

“Mr. Chairman, I’d like to allot $500 out of my Recreation account to the ‘Snowbirds over Anderson’ event.” “Second.” “We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor raise your right hands. Let the minutes show the motion passes unanimously.” This is a scene we see enacted regularly… Continue reading The Problem with Economic Development

The Reward of Compromise

When President Bush and the Washington establishment were pushing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the four Republican Congressmen from South Carolina reportedly “held hands and jumped” and voted for the bill. Their reasoning? “They can’t vote us all out.” The midterm elections are now over, so let’s look at what happened to each of these… Continue reading The Reward of Compromise